Lizz Gourley
- Aug 2
- 1 min
Whole School Canvas
WDSS students and staff worked together to create a school-wide masterpiece as part of the refurbishment of the Couch Room. The artwork...
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Please click on the link below to view our most recent newsletter in .pdf format.
Wangaratta District Specialist School aims to develop all students to be as independent and likeable as possible.
Our school’s vision is to provide positive learning experiences that allow students to achieve their optimum level of academic, social, emotional and physical independence.
July 15th: Start of Term 3
July 27th: WDSS Bunnings BBQ (8am to 4pm)
Sept 19th: End of Term 3 (NB: A Thursday!)
Sept 20th: Curriculum Day - Student Free
Occupational Therapy
Paula: Monday to Friday
Lily: Monday to Friday
Rose: Monday and Tuesday
Social Worker
Emma: Monday to Thursday
Wangaratta Police Liaison
Sgt Surrey: Friday, 11am to 1pm